Sunday 29 March 2009

PostHeaderIcon UG And The Anchor

UG found an anchor, i liked this picture so asked mum to put it online for everyone to see. Hope you alll ike it.

PostHeaderIcon UG Plays The Bandit

UG learnt how to play the "Deal or no Deal" fruit machine... He didnt win, nor did he win the Loto.

UG started missing Casey here.

PostHeaderIcon UG Still In The Pub

Scary people in the pub, UG wanted to go shopping instead.

PostHeaderIcon UG And 1966 Football

UG told us today that he likes football so not only did he meet David Beckham he also got to meet the winning team (England) from 1966. Go UG...

PostHeaderIcon UG And David Beckham

My Dad is Scottish so this picture i have been told is for him.

PostHeaderIcon UG And The Pub

Mum and Auntie Kirstie took UG to the pub, tut, tut!

UG loved it he played on the machine and watched a big screen TV, life couldnt get any better.

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CJ and UG
My name is CJ and i love anything pink and everything girlie
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