Saturday 28 March 2009

PostHeaderIcon Who Is UG, And What Is This Blog About?

Ok everyone keeps asking what this is all about so here goes....

This Friday my daughter came home from school with a soft alien toy called “UG”. “UG” is part of an ongoing school project where pupils take “UG” home and write about their travels.

We received a little book where everything was to be documented on 1 page. Obviously my kids like many others get very bored so we thought we could make this project a little more interesting by spreading him all over the Internet.

Since my daughter is a little show queen and everyone in the house is up for a laugh we started making videos and taking random pictures of “UG and Casey where ever we could. We hope you enjoy “UGs” travels.


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CJ and UG
My name is CJ and i love anything pink and everything girlie
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